PlantWise Help

Building Equipment

The composite shape (geometry) of a piece of equipment is made up of elements as specified by rules written in the Equipment Assembly Language.

To specify new equipment geometry rules:
  1. Select Edit > Geometry in the Equipment Class Editor dialog. This opens the Equipment Language Editor.

    The Equipment Language Editor Window

    The dialog heading identifies the equipment type to be edited. If the parent type (the equipment type from which the new equipment is a specialization) already has a geometry definition, the Equipment Language Editor opens with the geometry definition of the parent type. This definition is said to be “inherited” from the parent type.
  2. The Definition Source field radio button indicates if the definition is Inherited from its parent class. If the parent type has no definition, then the window opens blank.
  3. Approximate 3D Shape and Relative Location of Placement Point together specify how the Plot Study Reader is to interpret dimensions and locations of 2D rectangles or circles when used to position equipment.
    • A Box may be positioned with its placement point at the southwest corner, the center, or the center of one side of a rectangle.

      Relative Location of Placement Point for Box 3D shapes.

    • A Horizontal Cylinder interprets the smaller of a rectangle’s dimensions as its diameter and the larger as its length. It may be positioned with its placement point at the center or at the center of one side of a rectangle.

      Relative Location of Placement Point for Horizontal Cylinder 3D shapes.

    • A Vertical Cylinder is always positioned with its placement point at the center of a circle.

      Relative Location of Placement Point for Vertical Cylinder 3D shapes.

  4. Enter the equipment geometry definition into the text field using the Equipment Assembly Language. As soon as a change or a new entry into the window is accepted, the Definition Source radio button selection indication changes to Local.
  5. To revert back to the inherited geometry definition, check Inherited in the Definition Source field.
  6. Accept the geometry definition.
  7. Close the Language Editor window. Discards any changes made in the Language Editor since the last Accept.